About Chairman details about founder / chairman.

About Chairman

The personality of Dr. Akhtar Hasan Rizvi, is well known as a great educationist, scholar and founder of so many educational all over India. He is a leading educationist of India holds education above narrow sectional interest.

He was a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha). He was also appointed as the President of NCP for whole Uttar Pradesh.

He is using his talent, wealth and knowledge to serve the deprived people and the nation. Dr. Rizvi has done very commendable work in establishing Arabic Madarsa, English medium schools and colleges in Mumbai, Lucknow and Jaunpur. In Mumbai he has build up Rizvi Degree College of Arts, Science & Commerce, College of Hotel Management, Catering Technology, MBA and Management (MBA) and Engineering College and Springfield School. In Jaunpur he has established Dr. Akhtar Rizvi Girls Shia Degree College of Science & Commerce, Meena Rizvi Girls Inter College and Dr. Rizvi Learners' Academy English Medium School. He has also donated huge fund to so many other institutions like Shia Degree College (Lucknow), Yadgar-E-Hussaini College (Allahabad), Karari Inter College (Karari) and Zainabia Arabic School (Karari).

Dr. A. H. Rizvi

— Chairman's Message —

At the outset, I wish to thank you for your interest in joining the Dr. Rizvi College of Law. I am fully aware of the aspirations and hope of the Youngers. I deem it an honor to be at the helm of an Institution that help you many youth like yourself to achieve their heart's desire in entering the vocation of their choice. I wish to assure you that our predominate aim is to ensure that you build the foundation of your successful career in this Institution.